Show and Edit Discount Codes

August 9, 2024

Discount codes are a powerful tool for creating special offers and promotions in your eCommerce platform. They help attract customers, increase sales, and build customer loyalty.

On the discounts code page, you can

  • See all existing discount codes
  • Edit discount codes
  • Delete discount codes
Show and Edit Discount Codes

How to use

To access the page, click on Discounts and the Discount codes.

Viewing Discount Codes

Here, you can see the name of each code and its ID. You can also view the validity period and the creation date of the codes.

Code details
Code details

Searching for a Specific Code

To find a specific code, start typing the code in the search box. You can search by Name or Rule ID.

Search box
Search box

Editing a Discount Code

Once you’ve found the code you want to work with or edit, click on the row in the table.

A dialog box will open, displaying the settings for the selected code.

Discount code dialog box
Discount code dialog box

Adjusting Code Settings

In the dialog box, you can set the number of times the code can be used under Usage Limit.

You can also set the date and time range during which the code is valid.

Saving Changes

When you are satisfied with the changes, click on Save.

Deleting a Code

You can also click the Delete button to remove the code.

If you do not want to make any changes, click Cancel in the top left corner or click outside of the dialog box.

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