Custom shipping tags allow you to send specific instructions, such as “free_shipping_express,” to external shipping providers when predefined conditions are met.
With custom shipping tags, you can:
Define one or more tags, such as "ExpressShipping" or "Bulky"
Set conditions for when this should happen
Dynamically send custom tags based on codes or cart value etc.
Custom shipping tags are used as part of discounts and allow you to send specific instructions, such as “free_shipping_express,” to external shipping providers when predefined conditions are met. These conditions can, for example, include minimum cart value, minimum number of items, or the use of a discount code.
Note: Ensure the tag is set up in the receiving system (e.g., “free_shipping_express” in Ingrid) to function as intended.
Overview of Shipping Tag Setup
There are four ways to apply shipping tags:
Brink Code Rule with a Discount Code: Add a shipping tag triggered by a discount code.
Brink Code Rule with Conditions and a Code: Combine discount code usage with specific conditions.
Cart Rule with Conditions: Add a tag based on cart conditions like total value or item count, without using a code.
Universal Application: Add a custom tag to all orders.
Method 1: Add Shipping Tags with a Discount Code
Possible Scenarios:
“Get free express shipping with the code ‘FreeExpress.’”
“Buy three pairs of socks and get free express shipping with the code ‘FreeExpress.’”
1. Navigate to Discounts
In the menu, select Discounts and then Create Discount Rule.
Choose Brink Code Rule from the options presented.
2. Set General Information
Name: Provide an internal name for the rule.
Sort Order: Set the priority if multiple rules are active.
Is Stackable: Specify if this rule can be combined with other rules.
Is Exclusive: Only one exclusive rule can apply per cart.
Apply Last: Ensures this rule is applied after all others.
3. Set Logic Rules
Click Logic Rules to define outcomes and conditions.
Under Outcomes, click the + sign and select Shipping Tags from the dropdown menu.
Enter the custom tag (e.g., “FreeExpress”) and click Save.
4. Add Conditions (Optional)
Click the + sign under Conditions to add the criteria, for example "Minimum Cart Items" should be three.
Click Save when done.
5. Add Discount Code
Click Save and Add Codes to proceed.
Search for an Existing Code: Enter the code name and select it.
Generate Multiple Codes: Create multiple codes at once.
Create a New Code: Click Create Discount Code, provide details (e.g., “FreeExpress”), set usage limits or dates, and click Save.
6. Activate the Discount Rule
Click Activate Discount Code Rule or Continue Without Activating to save as a draft.
Method 2: Add Shipping Tags Without a Code
Possible Scenarios:
“Shop for 1000 SEK and get Free EXPRESS Shipping.”
“Send a custom tag to the shipping provider for all orders during August.”
1. Navigate to Discounts
In the menu, select Discounts and then Create Discount Rule.
Choose Cart Rule from the options presented.
2. Set General Information
Name: Provide an internal name for the rule.
Sort Order: Set the priority.
Is Stackable: Specify if this rule can be combined with others.
Time Period (Optional): Set a validity period for the rule.
3. Set Logic Rules
Click Logic Rules to define outcomes and conditions.
Under Outcomes, click the + sign and select Shipping Tags.
Enter the custom tag (e.g., “FreeExpress”) and click Save.
NOTE: Using the above method will add the custom tag to ALL orders.
4. Add Conditions (Optional)
Click the + sign under Conditions to define criteria (e.g., cart value above 1000 SEK).
Click Save when done.
Activate the Discount Rule
Click Save and Activate Discount Rule or save as a draft.
Tips for Effective Implementation
Ensure the shipping tag matches the tag in your shipping provider’s system (e.g., Ingrid or nShift).
Use Sort Order and Stackable Options to control rule priorities and interactions.
Add conditions to refine when tags are applied (e.g., only on specific purchases or during promotional periods).