Create a new discount rule

September 13, 2024

Discounts are a powerful way of attracting and retaining customers, as well as increasing conversion rates. Brink Commerce has robust discount management capabilities.

In the discount rule section, you can

  • View and manage discount rules
  • Create new discount rules
  • Delete discount rules
Create a new discount rule

Discount codes can be created for different purposes. Regardless of which of the three discount rules you want to create, the first step is the same for all of them. Let's go through the general settings together.

Discount Code

Here you can find and manage your existing discount codes.

Code Generation Jobs

This section lists all code generation jobs created from discount rules. You can also search for specific generation jobs or download a CSV file containing the generated codes.

Discount Rule

In this section, you can edit your existing discount rules.

Create Discount Rule

This feature allows you to create new discount rules and discount codes.

Name: This is the internal name of the rule or discount in the Brink Merchant Portal. It will appear in the overview of created discount rules and heps you identify it easily, as you can see in the picture below. This is not the discount code itself.

Sort Order: If you have multiple discount rules active simultaneously, this setting determines the priority of each rule.

Is stackable: Do you want to combine this discount code/rule with other active discounts or rules?
If yes, you have two additional options for how this rule operates.

  • Is exclusive: Codes marked with the "Is Exclusive" option are considered "exclusive" rules. This means that only one exclusive rule can be applied to a cart at a time. If multiple exclusive rules are eligible for a cart, only the first one encountered will be applied, and the others will be ignored. This ensures that no more than one exclusive discount is used per purchase.

  • Apply last: A rule with the "Apply Last" will be applied last to a shopping cart. This means it won't interfere with other discount rules, even those that don't have the "Is stackable" option selected. By applying this rule last, it ensures that all other applicable discounts are considered first, preventing any potential conflicts.

    "Apply Last" rules have their own internal sorting based on the “Sort order” you applied. This means if multiple "Apply Last" rules are applied, they will be sorted internally, but still after all other rules.

Time period - The time period you set determines how long the rule will be valid. Remember, setting a time period is optional and can be changed later on. When you add the discount code in the next step, you can choose a different time period specifically for the code.

Once the general settings are completed, it's time to set up the logic rules, which include the outcome and condition.

In this example, we will create a discount code named "10PERCENTOFF" that provides a 10% discount on orders with a minimum cart value of 1000 SEK, applicable only in Sweden.

You start by adding your outcomes and conditions, as exemplified above. The next step is then to save and create your code.

What type of code do you want? You have three options at this point:

  1. Save without activating: You can save all your work without activating the discount rule, and come back later to finish/create a code.

  2. Generate discount codes: Brink will bulk-generate the amount of discounts you need. You can generate a maximum of 10,000 codes per "code generation job", with a limit of 5 code generation jobs per day.

    You must also set a prefix for your codes, and specify a usage limit for each code.

    Usage limit refers to the maximum number of times a particular discount code can be used. As an example, if you only want a code to be used once - you add “1” under usage limit. 

If you intend to generate more than 50,000 codes in one day, please reach out to our support.  

  1. Create discount code. Here you enter the name of your discount code, which in our case is where we type in “10PERCENTOFF”.

As mentioned before, usage limit allows you to specify the maximum number of times a discount code can be used.

If you want the code to have unlimited usage, simply leave this field blank. Otherwise, enter a number to indicate the maximum usage limit for your discount code.

As a reminder, this is also where you can specify a time period that will be valid only for this code.

Let's talk about how you can start handling huge amounts of orders.