Code generation jobs

August 9, 2024

Code generation jobs are tasks initiated by Discount code rules. The code generation jobs allow you to generate a list of unique codes that can be used for various purposes such as discounts or promotions outside of Brink Commerce, for example in an email campaign.

With code generation jobs, you can:

  • View all the code generation jobs created in your system
  • Easily find a particular job using the search feature
  • Download a CSV file containing all the generated codes for use in other systems
Code generation jobs

Getting started

Access the Code Generation Jobs Page: In menu to the left, select Discounts and then Code generation jobs

Find Code generation jobs
Select Code generation jobs in the menu

Search for a Job

Use the search bar to find a specific job by its ID or name.

View Job Details

Click on a job to see its detailed information (see below).

Download Codes

In the dialog box, click the download button to get a CSV file of the generated codes.

Code Generation Job Details

When you click on a code generation job in the list, you will see detailed information in a new dialog box. Below is an example of a job’s details:

  • Job ID: This is the unique ID of the job
  • Status: This is the current status of the job, for example Completed
  • Created: Date the job was initiated
  • Updated: Date the job was updated
  • Number of codes requested: The number of codes that was requested in the job
  • Number of codes generated: The numer of codes that was generated
  • Prefix: The prefix that was used. A prefix will generate a code using the prefix and random characters, for example SummerCampaign-123ABC
  • Usage limit: The usage limit indicates how many times each code can be used
  • Discount rule ID: The Discount rule this generation job was initiated by, can be used to search for the correct Discount code.

Let's talk about how you can start handling huge amounts of orders.