Brink Commerce API Updates April 2024

Brink Commerce API Updates April 2024
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Enhancing Order Management with Streamlined Features

We're excited to introduce two new features that aim to make order management more flexible and efficient for merchants: 'No PSP Order' and' Import Order. ' These new features allow for smoother checkout sessions and simplified integration of external orders.

1. Introducing 'No PSP Order': Checkout Without Payment Flow

For merchants aiming to streamline their checkout process, especially for orders with a total of zero, our new 'No PSP Order' feature will be invaluable. This enhancement allows merchants to bypass the payment flow altogether when an order totals zero, enhancing user experience.

How Does It Work?

  • A new endpoint enables checkout completion without requiring a payment provider callback.
  • This ensures other resolvers, such as bonuses, gift cards, and order lines, remain intact.

Key Benefits:

  • Simplifies order processing for zero-value transactions.
  • Provides merchants with greater flexibility in managing order flows.

2. Import Order: Simplifying External Order Integration

Our new Import Order feature allows merchants to seamlessly import orders from sources other than the eCommerce checkout, bypassing payment needs and integrating smoothly with ERP, CRM, and other OM systems.

Key Use Cases:

  • Marketplace Orders
  • Change Orders (RMS)

Tailored Benefits:

  • Simplifies the integration of external orders.
  • Enhances order management capabilities with granular control over different order types.

These updates will further enhance your order management flexibility and efficiency, enabling you to handle diverse order types with ease and precision.

John Osvald
John Osvald

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