
August 8, 2024

Search after a specific product in the search bar, or use the filter function to find active or archived products and variants.

On the Products page, you can

  • Search for specific products
  • View product details
  • See product variants

To view the full product overview, click on a product. This will display general information including the product description, available variants (such as sizes), the product's active status, and current stock levels.

For more detailed information, click on a specific variant. Under the different tabs, you will find additional details such as prices in all currencies, tax group, customer attributes, display name, display description, and tags.

All product information in the Brink Merchant Portal originates from an external system. As a result, the Brink Merchant Portal does not serve as the primary source of this information, and it cannot be edited within Brink.

Let's talk about how you can start handling huge amounts of orders.