Info - see what's planned and vote

August 9, 2024

The Info section lets you see what we are working on right now, what we have released, and what we are planning. We encourage all customers to submit their feedback and interest in planned features, and also suggest new features that would be valuable.

In the info section, you can

  • See what we have released and what we are working on
  • Vote for and suggest new features
  • See developer documentation
Info - see what's planned and vote

Getting Started

To begin, select Info. From there, choose either Product Board or Docs.

Product Board

The Product Board is where we gather customer feedback and share updates on our plans and current activities. You can click on any feature or project to learn more and cast your vote.

Product board

The Product Board is divided into four sections:

Released: Updates that have already been launched.

In Progress: Features and projects currently being developed.

Planned: Upcoming features and projects in our roadmap.

Considering: Ideas and projects we are evaluating but have not yet scheduled.


We encourage all customers to submit their ideas and proposals. These suggestions will be reviewed and considered during our regular planning process.

Suggest features you think would be valuable
Suggest features you think would be valuable


For features listed under Planned, Collecting feedback (separate tab), and Considering, we invite you to provide your feedback. The more interest a feature receives, the higher its priority will be (please note that this is one of several factors we use to set the roadmap).


The other option in the menu is a link to our documentation site, where you can find detailed information for developers.

Let's talk about how you can start handling huge amounts of orders.